
Right Before The Flight

Daily Photo

Okay, I've had better ideas than what I did right after my photo session with this bee. The photo session with the bee, however, was a great idea.



"So, I went to dump the scraps in the compost bin this morning. As I was walking back into the house, I saw a bee buzzing me, and heard a lot, and turned to look in the direction of the noise. And there was the hive, three feet from my face."

The swarm was, as Andy put it, the biggest swarm he had ever seen. Each of the two humps in the swarm was the size of a normal swarm. There being two beards means wow, it was a big swarm.


Daily Photo

Bee on a dandelion

Daily Photo

I really miss having these little guys around.

Honey comb

Daily Photo

After both halves of our hive swarmed, Andy opened the box to cleanse it from any parasites or infections. It has subsequently been scavenged by other bees, wasps and who knows what else. I'm hoping to have a hive next year, regardless of where I end up.



My morning routine is fairly consistent these days: wake up, stumble to the bathroom, pee, wander to the kitchen, start the water for my tea, walk to where-ever I left my laptop, read twitter or close firefox tabs until the kettle sings, head back into the kitchen and dump four cups of water into my pyrex measuring cup with 2 teaspoons of tea, go back to my laptop, twitter or work for another ten minutes, meander back into the kitchen for my tea.

Yeah, there's a bit about that tea. It's always a variation of white tea both so that I minimize the caffeine intake and because I prefer the flavor. I'm not sure, though, that the morning ritual is more about the tea itself or the warm cup in my hands and the hot liquid going down my throat.

Beehive Fisheye


Dashed outside today to try out the olloclip fisheye lens again. I may have to leave this thing permanently attached to the iphone, I like it that much.

Bonus with this picture? I wasn't stung.

Sooooooo hot


Apparently, it's hot here today.

The dogs are melting:

Even the bees are out in force trying trying to cool the hive somewhat.