


I'm chuckling at the change I received today in Vancouver. Good thing the currencies are near parity, I guess.

Picture of US coins given as change at a Canadian restaurant

Yeah, not really



That lasted all of about 15 seconds, which is how long an SSH tunnel and a SOCKS proxy set up takes me now.

Canadians are weird


Okay, it's 0°F, -18°C outside, and this guy is not only wearing shorts, he's wearing flipflops.

In the middle of winter.

In the middle of Canada.

Canadian in shorts in winter

Wait, did I say Canadians are weird?

I meant insane.

Figured out how to get warm here.


I finally figured out how to get warm in this area.

The trick is layers.

As in: underwear, long underwear, long pants, t-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, hoodie, full-length jacket and ANOTHER jacket on top of that.

Then, go indoors.

Finally, finally, FINALLY warm.

Kitt has layers

Until we go to the car.


Canadian provinces as PHP array


List of Canadian provinces / states as a PHP array.

$states["CA"] = array(
  "BC" => "British Columbia",
  "ON" => "Ontario",
  "NF" => "Newfoundland",
  "NS" => "Nova Scotia",
  "PE" => "Prince Edward Island",
  "NB" => "New Brunswick",
  "QC" => "Quebec",
  "MB" => "Manitoba",
  "SK" => "Saskatchewan",
  "AB" => "Alberta",
  "NT" => "Northwest Territories",
  "NU" => "Nunavut",
  "YT" => "Yukon Territory"