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Peanut butter cookies


Peanut Butter Cookies

The brilliance of these cookies is that they have include two different formats for peanuts–three if you use chunky peanut butter. They’re crisp on the outside, and almost cakey on the inside. Bake a batch and then hide the results in the furthest and most forgettable reaches of your kitchen. You’ll thank me later.

1¼ cups all-purpose flour
¾ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup peanut butter at room temperature (smooth is what we used, but I am pretty sure they use chunky at the bakery)
¾ cup plus 1 tablespoon (for sprinkling) sugar
½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg, at room temperature
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup peanut butter chips
½ cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, the baking soda, the baking powder, and the salt. Set aside.

In a large bowl, beat the butter and the peanut butter together until fluffy. Add the sugars and beat until smooth. Add the egg and mix well. Add the milk and the vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat thoroughly. Stir in the peanut butter chips. Place sprinkling sugar on a plate. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls into the sugar, then onto ungreased cookie sheets, leaving several inches between for expansion. Using a fork, lightly indent with a crissscross pattern (I used the back of a palette knife to keep it smooth on top), but do not overly flatten cookies. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Do not overbake. Cookies may appear to be underdone, but they are not.

Cool the cookies on the sheets for 1 minute, then remove to a rack to cool completely.

Pure evil


Megan showed me the site Smitten Kitchen a month or so ago. I added it to my semi-daily rotation (as in, read when I'm done reading the daily list and have some extra time), which means I read it every 2-3 days.

The recipes as of late haven't been particularly inspiring. Fennel infused? Add anise? No thanks. That's just as bad as sticking my head in a vat of licorice, which always results in copious puking.

No thanks.

One of the site's highlight images, however, is for some world peace cookies. They're chocolate, so, of course, I clicked on the picture. They didn't seem too complicated, I was up for adventure today, so I decided to try them.

The part where the recipe says "drape a kitchen towel over the stand mixer to protect yourself and your kitchen from flying?" Yeah, she meant that part. I didn't use a towel, thinking the plastic cover that came with my mixer would suffice. It didn't. Think I'm pasty white now? Yeah, well, the cocoa in the flying flour gave me a nice tan when it landed.

When I "turned the dough out" onto a board, I have to admit, it didn't look too appetizing:

But, well, there was chocolate in there! Bittersweet, no less! And, despite the fact I can't really stand any chocolate darker than milk chocolate, I was determined to get my antioxidants in for the day.

Yes, I eat chocolate for the health benefits. And that's the ONLY reason why. Reallly. *snicker*

So, I rolled the dough up into a couple 1 ½" logs and stuck them in the refridgerator to chill for three hours.

Three hours.

Okay, what was I thinking to try a recipe where I have to wait three hours to taste something chocolate? Was I thinking? Probably not.

About an hour later, Kris and Andy came home from some movie (matinees are before noon now, not 5:00 - what a rip). Kris went into the kitchen, opened up the fridge to get his coffee beans and cried out, "What is this in the fridge?"

I hollered back, "I took a dump and wrapped them up for you to see! Don't you love me now?"

Andy was humoured.

Yeah, so, those three hours? Didn't make it. I lasted two hours.

Fourteen slices, 12 minutes of baking and 10 minutes of cooling later (what am I saying? make that 3 minutes of cooling later), I had my cookies to try.

I'd like to say, for the record, that Deb is a genius.

Also for the record, if you want to taste a piece of chocolate heaven, head over sooner than later: they'll be gone by the end of Sunday.