3 Hours Working Out


I did a plyo workout very similar to Wednesday's workout. I also did my upper and lower body workouts, since I skipped yesterday.

  • full ladders
  • Shuffles: 10 yards down and back = 1
    2 - 3 - 4 - 5, 30 second break between sets
    with 6# ball, 5 - 4 - 3 - 2
    I concentrated on keeping my butt low, working on strengthening my quads and glutes
  • I of pain: 21+, 21+, 20+ and 19+ seconds
  • Quick feet drills: 3 sets
  • Jump rope: 3 sets:
    1. 100 jumps in 51 sec. 3 goofs
    2. 120 jumps in 53 sec. 0 goofs
    3. 130 jumps in 58 sec. stopped on first goof
  • Lunge jumps: 3 sets of 15

Next was my upper body workout. I started with the 3# rotator exercises. 3 sets of the 6 exercises.

Upper body exercises were:

  • Chest press on machine, 50# 12.10.10
  • One arm row: 13#/12 18#/12 18#/12
  • Lat pull downs: 50#/12 60#/10 50#/12 (bump up)
  • Sitting rows: 60#/14 65#/12 65#/12 (bump up)
  • Lower back extension 50#/12 70#/12 90#/12
  • 20# bow draw 3 sets x 12 rep
  • Rope tricep pushdown: 30#/12 35#/12 30#/12 (bump up)
  • Bench dips 3x12
  • Bicep curls: 2 x 5# + bar / 12 reps, 10# + 5# + bar / 12 reps, 2 x 5# + bar / 12 reps

Gino wandered over and we talked about working out, motivation (in particular, how well the Mental Game of Baseball is working), listening to music when working out, sleeping well, odd hours (he says baseball players go to bed at 2:00 am, and wake up at noon) and tryouts. I like talking to him. He understands more about this process than I do, that's for sure.

Next was lower body weights:

  • 3 sets of 12 squats at 120# on squat machine
  • Around the world 3 sets with 5#
  • Hamstring curls: 40#/12 45#/10 40#/12
  • Calf raises to exhaustion, which was 50 lifts for each toes pointing straight ahead, outside and inside
I struggled walking after those.

I intended to do forearms, abs and cardio at home, but Ben & Lisa came over for dinner. I'll play pickup tomorrow morning at Gunn and do abs then, too.

Ugh. I am not keeping up with this workout. 3 hours today and I finished only 2/3 of the workout. Man.