After Regionals
Yeah, kitt finished writing this at 17:23 on 29 September 2005
After Regionals. After Regionals. After Regionals.
Everything in my life is "after Regionals" at this point. I want to start at a new gym, but any new workout has to wait until after Regionals. I want to start biking to work, but that has to wait until after Regionals. I want to start a new project, but that has to wait until after Regionals.
Things will get better, I'll have less to do. After Regionals.
I want to have dinner with Cal and Elina (yay! I finally figured out how to spell E's name correctly), and introduce Kris to them, but that has to wait until after Regionals.
Kris quit his job (oh, did he Forget. To. Mention. That?), and needs to start looking for a new source of income. But that has to wait until after Regionals.
I want to head out to Google to play disc with the group there, but that has to wait until after Regionals, lest I risk injury.
Like I'm not already injured at this point.
Everything in my life is fairly on hold at this point. Until after Regionals.
Hell, one of my childhood friends asked if she could come out to visit, and I told her next weekend, please, Regionals are this weekend.
I'm so unprepared for this tournament that my stomach is in knots, every part of me aches, and all I can think about is running, running, running, and catching that disc.
I so need to turn off that mental chatter, listen to that rush that fills my ears at the first pull of that important game, and just Run. Hard.