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On my to-do list


Ever wonder what's REALLY on someone else's to-do list?

No? Yeah, well, me neither.

Okay, how about this one? Ever wonder what's REALLY on those index cards I carry with me everywhere?

No? Yeah, well, I wish I didn't either.

In an attempt to confront the tasks on my to-do list that I really don't want to do (rather than just, say, pay a college guy, my mom, or Martha to do the items on the list), I'm going to publish it for all the world to see.

At least, until I'm too embarrassed about it, and stop.

Until then, you have my permission to ask my why the items on my list aren't done yet. Not that I've actually given SERIOUS THOUGHT to how long these tasks are going to take me. I mean, who does that? Plan a day? Sheesh.

Kris was surprised when I made the list public. Perhaps this isn't such a good idea.... We'll see how long it lasts.

Today's to-do list!

P.S. I made my bed today. Guess when days 14-30 are going to start up?