HackerDojo director!
Instead of being asleep at 21:22 on 24 April 2009, kitt created this:
Hey, everyone! Wow, we had more qualified applicants for our Director positions than spaces! I'm delighted by people's enthusiasm in pitching in, but also want to specially thank those that applied that were not selected as Directors. I'd like to honor your spirit of service and make sure that we have great ways for you to contribute to the project. With no further ado, I hereby present Hacker Dojo's Founding Directors in no particular order: 1) David Weekly. 2) Kitt Hodsden. 3) Melissalynn Perkins. 4) Brian Klug. 5) Jeff Lindsay. From each of the Directors I'll need your best email, phone, and snailmail addresses for our legal filings. Please get that information to me immediately. Oh, and your signature in blood that you're signing your life away. ;) Congratulations! Cheers, David
Yay, me!
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