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Hello, new people!



After lunch, Kris and I walked down the main street of the town we're in. Kris wanted to find a bookstore where he could find a guide book. We wandered down the main street of the town, appropriately called Main Street, to a coffee shop and book store. The selection of books wasn't particularly good, so I suggested we look for a Kindle version. Kris thought it was an okay idea, and let me grab the Kindle out of his backpack. I wandered outside to use the Kindle, while Kris kept looking at the paltry selection of guidebooks.

As I was searching for a book on the Kindle, I looked up to see a man walking up to me with a huge grin on his face. "Is that the... the?" he asked. "It's a Kindle," I offered, and held it out for him to look at it. He asked questions, and we talked about it for a short while. I thought about showing him the ipad, which rested on my hip, after he joked, "The ipad is a feminine product, not a book reader, to me!"

He then let me know the town's real bookstore was down the street a couple blocks, that I should check it out instead of the coffeeshop. I thanked him, gave up on the Kindle, and started walking back to the bookstore.

As I was walking back, I caught up to group of people walking in the same direction. After a few steps, one of the women in the back asked if they could let me pass. "Oh, no, no, I'm enjoying this pace," I responded. She tried to insist, so, I let her know, "Walking with you makes me feel like part of a group, like I belong. I'm good walking here." She smiled, and the man next to her piped up that being part of a group is nice, even if it is the Old Grapes!

We chuckled as I turned to go into the bookstore, enjoying having spent all of 10 minutes by myself and I already met three new people.


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