20 years


I've had this site up for 20 years. Many of those years have been the barest of up, but many more have been quite prolific. After Melissa asked me, "Why?" I switched to paper journalling instead of writing here, but haven't ever quite taken down the site. Mom doesn't visit here any more, and very few people do. Lots of crawlers and spammer visit, which is less that thrilling.

Still, 20 years is something. 20 years is a long, long time.

And yet, 20 years is a short time.

Around this time a year ago I was training for Vinson, heading south to Antarctica in a week.

Around two years ago I was on Antarctica with Denny, Randy, and Larry.

Around three years ago, Chase died.

Around four years ago, I went to Antarctica for the first time.

Around five years ago, I was still living in Canada.

Around ten years ago, I left working at Twitter.

Around 11 years ago, Bella died.

Around 14 years ago, I met Jonathan.

Around 15 years ago, I trained at Velocity, had an amazing social life with the Gulls, and MMMM (now MMMMM), Brynne, Bridge, ultimate.

Around 16 years ago, I "convinced" Andy to come play with us, and became one of the Three Amigos.

Around 17 years ago, we won Nationals in Sarasota.

Around 20 years ago, I started this blog.

Around 25 years ago, I met Kris.

IDK, seems lots of highlights at the years and the half years. Lots of life lived seemingly very large. And yet, much of it so mundane.

Happy blogiversary, me.