Le Purrrrrrrrrrging
Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 17:54 on 5 December 2017
La purging? Could be.
I really don't know why I've kept a number of things. Take these three pieces of paper, for example. They are ice-breaker cards, questions to ask at dinner parties.
The questions on the cards:
1. My eyes. Windows onto my
1. My eyes. Windows onto my curiosity. They also twinkle sometimes, maybe that says optimism?
2. Brains. (I do hope I’m appreciated for my sense of humor, though).
3. I would try to be complimentary, since this question is fraught with peril.
4. I’m flummoxed by the people who would answer no. Seriously, is this a question?
5. Mountains, obviously.
6. I would demure on loaning anyone money, but would try to find other meaningful ways to be helpful.
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