Oh, boy! An Alphabetical TOC!

(2) | " (32) | # (1) | $ (3) | * (1) | . (2) | 0 (14) | 1 (23) | 2 (22) | 3 (4) | 4 (6) | 5 (8) | 6 (3) | 7 (6) | 8 (3) | 9 (2) | : (1) | A (284) | B (304) | C (341) | D (254) | E (102) | F (259) | G (148) | H (234) | I (236) | J (58) | K (78) | L (228) | M (360) | N (215) | O (137) | P (235) | Q (26) | R (160) | S (454) | T (681) | U (84) | V (52) | W (304) | Y (80) | Z (6) | ¯ (1) | (1)
"100 Must-Read Books About ---" pretty much guarantees I'm not going to even try. 100 is far too many.
"Be strong, Kitt. Be strong!"
"But now I want to."
"Evil settles into everyday life when people are unable or unwilling to recognize it."
"How do you get so open?"
"I am not spamming. I have studied your website..."
"I Inherited a Mess"
"I just lost five inches."
"I trust you"
"It should just work."
"It's cooling off today. They say it'll be a high of 100˚ today, makes for nice weather."
"Kitt, get rid of the target on your chest."
"Know your Object class, if for no other reason than to stay out of its way"
"Never risk what you have and need for what you don't have and don't need."
"Nobody is going to stop hurting you because you resent them for it. And no amount of rage will ever change the past."
"Oh, sorry, negative."
"Only what you take with you."
"Paper Has More Patience Than People"
"pesci-vegetarian" is the right term for vegetarians-wanna-bes: those who eat a vegetarian diet, and fish.
"Proud of something I did."
"That Doesn't Make Sense."
"That's where she's going, too!"
"The illusion of control makes the helplessness seem more palatable."
"The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct."
"There is only one thing worse than not satisfying a desire, and that's not feeling a desire."
"Time moves in one direction, memory another."
"Turn on an action movie and jump rope during the action scenes," I thought. I've had better ideas.
"What’s Wrong With This Person?"
"You Eat a Lot of Sugar"
"You need to have an assortment of food you know will be palatable to you at high altitude when you don’t want to eat."
