
"Time to buy you more underwear?"


Backpack look?

Note to self:

The backpack look?

Not so good.

Oh, sure, it's easy on the back when worn over both shoulders.

But the look of it? Oh, the fashion?



Photo by Lloyd, not my photo.

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!


That was close!

I almost took myself seriously tonight. Like major seriously. Like disappointment seriously.

And that would have sucked.

Monday morning, blah blah blah, up, do work for an hour, take a shower, start packing up everything, Kris rolls out of bed, starts his oatmeal, plops his butt down on the couch with ESPN playing on the television.

I'm gathering all my stuff to head to the office, when Kris comments, "Wait. You're going to work."

"Uh, yeah, I am."

"No, no, no. You're going to work."


"You haven't done that in like, years. I mean, sure you'd work at Greg's, or head over to Mike's to work at his place, or maybe head into Krush. But you're usually at the dining room table right there.

But you're heading into work.

Into. Work."

I burst into tears.

Later, three people, two nominally independent of each other, called me a Flock groupie. Now, if I didn't enjoy hanging out with the Flock people a lot, I think I'd be upset at the potential derogatory implications of the term "groupie." But I was too distracted by Mike's comment, "What? Are you trying for a second childhood?"

Follow that with an afternoon of there's-no-way I-can-get-all of-this-work-done in-this-lifetime amounts of work, and the end of the day could not come soon enough.

Considering last night was a wonderfully productive slice of time working at Flock, being overwhelmed today was a serious downer.

But then I realized that, eh, nah.

No need to take myself so seriously. No need for the drop into a molasses world. No need to lose sight of the fact that there's a lot of fun happening, and being blue only distracts my view of it.

So raspberries to Mike for the groupie/second childhood comment. And "pbth!" to the huge work load (it'll still get done, just not Right. Now).

I'm off to throw the disc, run with the dogs, and eat a piece of chocolate cake.

Oh, and watch tonight's episode of Ultimate Fighter 2, the revenge of the wimps.

About that ass...

Somehow I don't think browser tabbing was meant for sites whose names start with "assault":


Kris and I were sitting on the couch, watching Paycheck (yeah, we're really behind on our Netflix), with the two dogs on blankets on the couches sleeping.

Suddenly, Kris calls out, "Uhn!"

I turned to at him.

"Aw, uuhhhhhn!"


"Oh, ugh, one of the dogs just farted."


"Uhn, yeah."

"And both their butts are pointing to you!"

"I know!"

Recovering from SHDH4

This morning started with a really loud, jarring phone ring, from not my phone, followed by a muffled conversation, followed by a wild haired, sleepy eyed, not-quite-sober looking attempt at standing up by my fellow all-nighter at SHDH (Mom: it was an overnight programming event where 60+ developers and designers descended on a house in the evening and programmed, designed, presented work, shared ideas, and socialized until the early hours).

My conversation with said guy:

me:  Are you sober?
him:  A good question, Kitt.
me:  And?
him:  The short answer is, "No." But I think I'm sober enough to drive.
me:  Doesn't the first answer negate the second one?
him:  blank stare



11 of us crashed at the SHDH, waking up the this morning to a smaller morning geek fest, with 8 of us huddled around the tables on laptops, sharing even more geek moments.

Eventually, calls for food overrode all entertainment, and the remaining 10 of us (Jeff, David, Lloyd, Messina, Tantek, Dani, Eris, Andy, Adam and me) drove to Buck's (south! closer to home for me!) for breakfast/lunch. Had an entertaining conversation about procreation with David, allowing my completely non-traditional views on children to filter out. David tried to explain (at my request) his the desire to have children: wanting to raise a mini-me, influencing positively another life, validating oneself through gene propogation. I think fundamentally if that desire is missing, all the reasons in the world aren't going to make it appear. David did point out, in a gentle non-judgemental way, however, how shallow my reasons for not wanting children are.

I took no pictures this weekend, which is a little odd.

Low point of the night: realizing Andy had just rebooted my laptop, and I hadn't saved its session state in any meaningful, recoverable way.

High point of the night: wrastling said laptop from the evil clutches of Andy and Cal as they attempted to both root it, and install the hello program on it that I really, really didn't want.

General impressions of the evening: had a great time, though the saying "You get out of life what you put into it," comes to mind. I had wanted to program in a code-jam scenario, but I spent more time socializing and less time actually programming than I wanted. Which is unfortunate given the level of expertise in that house last night. I think the large number of people made it more social, less tech, and had the numbers been around 20-30, more coding would have been done (by me, unsure in general).

Enjoyed meeting and talking to Elliot and Jesse and Adam and Bryan and Cal (though I'd actually met Cal before at the Carson Workshop in June, as he's the one that presented - Mike pointed out to me that I totally blown off Messina and Ryan King at lunch at that workshop to work on the pagination module during lunch - Andy pointed out he showed up for the bar meeting afterward). I especially liked Alex Russell's Dojo presentation. I'm terribly inspired to add it to the UPA's online rostering system.

Right after I finish up a couple of Messina's demos.
