Magazine a day: day 1
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Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 21:50 on 1 April 2005
I have a lot of magazines lying around. They've been piling up, to the point where I'm almost overwhelmed with them. When I get busy, the first thing to go is television, the second is magazines. And they pile up.
So, I've decided to read magazine a day until I've caught up.
Here's the first one.
The April issue of Self magazine.
Now, some magazines have content online, as well as archives. Others will have content for a while after publication, moving it to a subscriber-only archive after some date. And then there are some that have only the table of contents online.
Self is one of the latter ones. It has just the table of contents online, which sucks if, even as a subscriber, you're trying to reference something online.
I'll have to figure out how to get the content I want to save in some digital format. Scanning isn't the best option, but not terribly search-friendly.