Seems odd« an older post

Married does not mean dead


Okay, people, let's get one thing straight: just because a person is married, doesn't mean she's dead. My grandfather said on many occasions, "I can look, as long as I don't touch." Which means, yes, looking, and talking, and flirting and all of that is OKAY, as long as we understand that NOTHING IS COMING FROM IT.

No, really.

No, REALLY. I mean it. NOTHING.

So, to the friend who freaked out on me, look, I like you. I like spending time with you, as little as I've spent with you so far. I think you're a neat person, someone who fits into my "good person" category, as well as my "hey, this could be fun" category. You're interesting, and funny, and engaging, and seem to have similar interests to me. This means, I'd like to get to know you better.

No. Not for a relationship. Not for dating. Not for anything of the sort.

I have an amazing marriage that's quite wonderful (well, except the WoW thing, but we talked about that, and we're making progress, and that's not as much the issue as it was at the beginning of the month), so that sex thing? Isn't going to happen. Not even partially happen. Not even a little bit happen. I don't want it to happen. Honestly, I'd be very surprised if you did, but, hey, I never claimed to understand men.

But the friends thing? Yeah, that could be great. It'd be nice to have another person interested in going for hikes, or attending various conferences, or throwing the disc, or hanging out at DevHouse events, or coming to Communal Dinner, or giving feedback on some project I'm working on, or just whatever.

And the flirting thing? That's as far as it goes. So, stop with the freaking out, okay?