Technology is great, until it isn't.


Technology is great.

When it works.

When it doesn't work, it can become one of the most incredibly frustrating things.

Take the cafe I frequent for lunch, for example. It has a mobile app for ordering. In reality, the mobile app is the ONLY way to order at this cafe. A cafe guest opens the app, adds whatever to her order, pays for the food and drinks, then waits for maybe 2-3 minutes before hearing her name and picking up her food.

It's a simple, easy, little-human-interaction process.

When it works.

I had changed my password on the cafe's site yesterday afternoon. When I went to use the app today, it wouldn't let me in, my password was wrong. Okay, enter the updated password.

Can't connect.

Update again.

Can't connect.

Update again.

Connection, password updated, app opened.

I added items to my order. Can't connect to add these items to order.

I try again. Can't connect to add these items to order.

I try again. Can't connect to add these items to order.

I try again. Items added.

I click the pay button.

Can't connect.

I wait. I click the pay button. Can't connect.

Repeat one more time before, you know what? I'm not really all that invested in this cafe. I'm not all that hungry after a delicious cup of tea and a less-delicious but still good chocolate bar this morning. I really don't need to deal with the aggravation of this cafe's inability to keep a network up and going.

So, I left.

I'll hang around and work on this project I'm on now for another hour or two, but then I'm leaving, and working elsewhere. The sun is shining, the day is cool but not cold, the wind is crazy and interesting. No reason to be frustrated by this infernal cafe network / technology fail.

Technology is great, when it works.

Just like frustrations and disasters are opportunities for something new.

I wonder where the nearest park is.

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