Finishing up the little things
Yeah, kitt finished writing this at 16:18 on 3 May 2005
Having little things on my to-do list for long periods of time causes a build up of stress that can be relieved only by completing said tasks.
I'm finally getting some of these things done.
Today, I finally (finally!) finished the MPUL rosters for the UPA. I had dragged my feet because I wanted to use the online rostering system for the league, using it as my test case. That didn't happen. By a lot.
Then I didn't want to submit the rosters because there were too many people who hadn't paid up, or were not roster current.
But I finally finished it. I wrote the code to email all the people and tell them to pay up, or submit a waiver as needed. Then wrote the code to generate the league members listing as one big roster. And now it's done. And now it's a load off my mind.
Now, to finish Bharat's task...
For better attendance next year...
Admittedly, I chuckled at the thought, contemplated it briefly, then realized showing up or not showing up is my choice, and punishing me for that choice isn't something I want to happen to me. So I shouldn't do it to someone else.
But it is an entertaining thought.