Happiness is a Choice« an older post
a newer one »Funny Thing about Grief

Hi, Jon


You can stop now.

I loved you more than the sun and moon. I will long for you forever. You are off fucking the 8th woman since you claim we started dating. You lied to me when you told me you loved me. You fucking lied to me. No one would call what you did to me love.

You follow all your other exes on social media, but not me.

You were cruel to me. You yelled at me for a decade, and told me it was my fault. You raped me, and told me I was the rapist, a pattern you have done for years. I couldn't defend, I couldn't attack, I couldn't stand there and do nothing because everything I did was turned against me as you weaponized everything I told you, everything I was and am, against me. You have a narrative and never listened or recognized data that contradicted your narrative. You actively reject anything that doesn't confirm your biases.

I gave up my life for you. I gave up my community. I gave up my friends. I gave up who I was for you. I gave up financial security. You told me to let go, you would catch me. I let go. I fell, you didn't even try to catch me. Instead, you kicked me in the teeth.

Please just go the fuck away.

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