Kris calls out to the world, "I QUIT!"
Yeah, kitt finished writing this at 21:47 on 29 September 2005
Well, if "the world" is defined as "Oracle" and "calls" is equivalent to telling his boss, then, sure, he did.
After 9 years (nine years. NINE YEARS!) at Oracle, Kris finally told them he was done. He finally let me push, prod, cajole, nag, encourage, insist and bully him into leaving the job that was slowly but surely sucking him dry.
And we don't like dry husbands. We like them lively.
Okay, Kris just read that and said, "Ooof."
To which I explain "sucking him dry" to mean "giving Kris a wonderful, dynamic, exciting, fulfilling means to satisfy his disc habits, where he is challenged in delightful and interesting ways on a daily basis."
Of course.
Seven years ago, I was complaining to him about how much I hated my job. In reality, at the time, I didn't hate my job, I hated the politics of the workplace of my job. The work was unbelievably exciting and interesting. The people I worked with were amazing, fantastic people.
The people above me, perhaps less so.
The culture of the company? Ick.
The pay? Pay? What pay?
So, Kris encouraged me to quit my job. He would take care of me while I worked on my own projects, found my own calling, became happy. We would move into an "affordable" apartment and live happily ever after.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Didn't work out that way. I didn't really know how to properly quit a job that time. I didn't realize that keeping in touch with friends and ex-coworkers was vital to one's sanity.
Sure, with a little practice, though, I became much better at it (well, except leaving VA, but that was difficult for much different reasons), and began enjoying the time off between work engagements as a chance to relax and look around.
Kris has since allowed me that luxury twice again.
I took the opportunities gingerly, realizing that I was taking his turn. He seemed willing, if not also a little humoured, to let me quit (again!), so quit I did.
But now it's his turn.
Thank you, Kris, for finally taking that step. For leaving the comfortable world of guaranteed paychecks, underwater stock options, affordable health care, and cushy hours. Welcome to my world of uncertainty, change, excitement, adventure and expensive health insurance.
Thank you for finally realizing that the deleted projects were no longer interesting and that it was time to move on, time to see what else is out there.
Thank you for holding my hand and jumping.
You missed the last boom. It was quite the ride. Catch the front end of this one, love. It's going to be another fun ride.
You cannot fail. You have me. We're a team.
I love you.