As much as I remember of SHDH5
Posted by kitt at 19:57 on 6 November 2005
I really need to get tags working on my site. I feel so 2003.
Well, that and move the site to the other, faster server.
Went to SuperHappyDevHouse as planned this weekend. I took along the various "prizes" we had planned for the event, which included three trophies: "Best Code EVAR", "Best Geek Pitch," and "Most Marketable Idea". I really should have taken pictures of those. I also took along a slew of cookies and cupcakes, which we decorated as baseballs and gave out as runner-up prizes (dang, if I didn't miss the name of the guy who helped me fros those puppies).
The feel of this SHDH was very corporate compared to SHDH4 in September. Yes, I know that the fundamental difference in my experience was the people I spent time with (or didn't, in the case of SHDH5), but even Tom, who drove me home at 3:30 in the morning (thanks, Tom!), commented on the different feel of the event. He attributed the difference to the lack of drunk women from the prior event.
Tall guy (who surely has a name) kept track of gas mileage, using RDF as a query engine. Ah! His name is Drew. He's 6'9" tall, and knocks his head on doorways all the time.
Freeman is working on, high bandwidth, high latency projects, to provide email, data transfer for remote areas that would normally not have any internet (of a sort) access. He spent a year in India, and reported on projects that provide drive-by wireless and cd-rom data-exchange sneaker-net work done locally there.
Clipclip demo (Chao Lam) aims to bring the model of newspaper clipping to the intarweb. 'Has "web 2.0" features like tagging!' his quote, not mine. Can post to group, for discussions, can subscribe to feeds with clips. Cal channels Ryan and suggests the use of microformats for data structure. Public? No.
Meetro developer version, paul, sam, and (maybe seth?) presenter displays people close and far. Profiles, etc..
And here's where my notes start to fade, as I wrote "10:00 and I'm already yawning."
Jeff and Adam did a demo of their AJAXWars, a AJAX based browser, resource limited game. The demo was very entertaining.
Jesse Andrews showed us "How to Duplicate Google Maps in 10 Minutes" using Dojo. It was really entertaining, my favorite part being, "... and dojo is an AJAX toolkit, talk to that man for details," pointing to Alex Russell. I was a little bummed there weren't more dojo presentations, but hey, they can steal only so much thunder, right?
I didn't see the Zimbra or Meebo demos.
Andy's talk "Getting Money and Chicks with Python" was absolutely hysterical, and the subject of much small talk for the rest of the evening. Highly recommended for any developer.
Messina presented his ideas about CivicForge was very high level, in a this-is-what-I-want, what-do-you-say? sort of way. It's basically the merging of a lot of tools that don't quite work the way non-programmers work, but the way that people actually interact together. In my mind, I was cursing him a little bit, because I'm inspired, and I don't need another project.
There were other presentations, but I don't recall them at this point. A lot of people worked a lot, which was neat. In as much as I wasn't hanging out with my usual band of friends, I met a lot of new people, again. I thought there would be more duplication from the previous attendees, but there were a lot of new people (for me, anyway).
David, Jeff, Messina and I started planning SHDH6, currently scheduled for December 10th. The theme will be speed. We'll do presentations after 1:00 am for work that has been done earlier in the evening. Should be fun.