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Mark made me cry

Date:   	Tue, 13 Dec 2005 16:53:39 -0800 (PST)
From:  	Mark Smith 
To:  	Kitt Hodsden 
Reply-to:  	mark@markandmeg.com
Subject:  	Re: [MisChiEf] disregard any suckem email


Although your identification of this problem may seem second nature to
you, this is actually a very valuable skill that few people have. I wanted
to let you know that you continually impress me with your general


< You may get a UPA email saying you have been added to team SuckEm.
< Have no fear.  Warren is testing out the UPA rostering interface
< and demonstrating a clear problem in the import players workflow.
< Clearly, a confirmation page should have appeared, allowing Warren
< the opportunity to remove the players that aren't on his new team
< when he imports the old team.
< Big THANKS to Warren for the problematic workflow demonstration!
< Kitt.
< Quoting warren.schechter@gmail.com:
<< You may get a UPA email saying you have been added to team SuckEm.
<< Have no fear, if you are not playing with suckem or don't know what
<< they are ignore it.  I am lazy and didn't want to type in people's
<< names by hand so I imported the mischief roster hence the email.
<< as you were-
<< warren