Shifting is not cleaning

How is it that the three people who have clued in the most are 1000, 2000 and 8000 miles away?
I pulled another box out of the office and in a matter of minutes had it sorted and dealt with. Mere minutes! Visions of 30" monitors danced in my head as I went back to the office to get another box. This is going to be too easy, might as well get three!
Only to discover many, many things I had totally forgotten about (and hundreds of receipts I wish I had forgotten about) in the next box. That, and that the previous box was a total fluke.
I found early year business expense receipts (yay!), a free flight coupon on Southwest (nearly expired), ankle injury recovery instructions, medicine ball exercise sheets (two sets!), three decks of cards, my phone's user manual, and two paper grocery bags full of paper to recycle. To think I actually thought at one point I'd need the information contained on those sheets of paper! Was I daft?
I pondered at one point just moving everything to the garage and calling it done, when Kris replied, "Shifting is not moving, it's cheating."
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. The point is to go through this stuff. I think I'll write that program to cycle through images so that I can tag them and pitch all of the remaining paper after scanning it. Of course, that requires having a large disk, possibly a RAID system, to store it all.
Funny how, to do A, I seem to have to go through B, C, D, E, F and G first.
Well, at least we're all official at work now.