This is what she thinks


Yeah, this is what Bella thinks about all these pictures.

Ritter and the trees


After completely forgetting about the Master Gardeners training class this morning, only to remember with 10 minutes before I'd need to leave to arrive on time to the class, I dashed to the class, and, boy, am I glad I went. I mean, aside from the training hours that I seem to be somewhat failing at gathering (a member can have only one video count for a couple hours of training, alas), the information was great.

We had Matt Ritter, Tree Man Extraordinaire, speaking to us today. Go on, search for him on the tubes. Ignore the state representative. Ignore the comedian. Ignore the drummer and the weatherman and the lawyer. That's right, the top guy, the botany professor at Cal Poly (heh, Cal Poly, there's a story with my giggle about Cal Poly).

Clearly a true Hodsden


Right, so, B knows I'm not eating chocolate for Lent, right?

Which means he knows that I am unable to heat the tasty, tasty, chocolate croissants sitting in my freezer and eat them.

Which, of course, means, he needs to send me this:

B and the chocolate croissant

Which is just just perfect. He's a Hodsden after all.

My latest favorite picture of Bella


From earlier in the month, she has the most awesome facial expressions.

ssh key fingerprint information


Use ssh-keygen with the -l option (that's a lowercase L). You'll need to specify the -f [file] option, too, as you could have more than one .pub file (dsa, rsa, etc.).

dymock[1030]% ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/
1024 2a:12:ab:34:cd:56:ef:44:78:aa:9a:bb:dd:cc:66:f8 /home/kitt/.ssh/ (DSA)

When in doubt, man ssh-keygen

% man ssh-keygen
  -l  Show fingerprint of specified public key file.  Private RSA1 keys
      are also supported.  For RSA and DSA keys ssh-keygen tries to find
      the matching public key file and prints its fingerprint.  If combined
      with -v, an ASCII art representation of the key is supplied with the
