Easiest way to feed the dogs


Potential space


Went over with Brian to look at a place in downtown Mountain View today. What surprised me most about the place wasn't how great it was. Rather, I was surprised at how few other people interested in the HackerDojo showed up.

Which is to say, other than Brian, who organized the tour, the real estate agent and me, zero.

The place was/is really cool. There's enough space to have two classes going on at the same time, but the acoustics probably wouldn't lend themselves to such an arrangement. The space had a large number of neat features, the railings, the woodwork, etc., but is too expensive for the amount of space. The building also fails to lend itself to hardware projects: just try to put a CNC lathe on the carpeted, second floor, I dare you.




God-damned $4 check


I went to the bank today to deposit a group of checks. My bank was recently the victim of a crappy merger, with everybody knowing how much I despise my new bank, so I'm even less interested in actually going to the bank than I was before.

So, off I go.

I stood in line for all of 20 seconds before a teller waved me over to his counter. As soon as I arrived, he said, "I'll be with you in a moment," as he turned away from me to put away a stack of coins.

I stood there, in front of an (I'm not kidding) eight inch stack of $1 bills, slightly annoyed. If you need to finish up with what you are doing, I thought, don't wave me over to your counter, f---ing finish what you're doing THEN call me over. There wasn't anyone in line behind me, I can wait 10 more seconds for a teller who is actually ready and available to assist me.

Yes, still hot


Red shirt


My shoulder itches like you wouldn't believe. Having had the bandage removed earlier today, and scratching around the damned scar-in-the-making for a bit, I thought it would be fine. Now, ANYTHING touching it and moving along it is driving me nuts.

Worse, my bra strap sits squarely over it.

So, I gave up this evening, when working, and decided to go topless. Yes, the only thing that would make this better for Kris, who is sitting next to me in the office, would probably be a beer.

After I removed my shirt, I figured, of course the best place for it was the dog. She disagreed, but not before I was entertained by it. Yes, the only reason to have a dog: to entertain you.



