We're on a train


I don't recall which trip, which is pretty terrible that I can't remember, or maybe pretty remarkable that we have journeyed so much that I can't remember.

All for twenty minutes


I was on flight today, sitting near the front. Despite leaving late, the flight was delayed by ultimately only twenty minutes. Something about a maintenance issue that was fixed by power cycling a system, and filling out lots of paperwork. "Did you turn it off and on again?"

After we landed, all of first class stood up. The woman in 1A declared, "Worst airline ever," and proceeded to embody every stereotype about first class being full of prilvileged assholes, words just started coming out of this woman. Not everyone in first class is a jerk, but every part of this woman told me I do not want to be friends with her.

No, He's Not The Asshole Either


Jonathan sent me this fascinating Am I The Asshole reddit post today: "AITA for being resentful of my husband's reflexive anger during newborn nightime pumping/feeds?" The husband has insomnia, the wife wakes him at his request, to help with the baby. The first three paragraphs (full post below):

My (32f) husband (35m) and I have a 3wk old newborn. My milk supply has been low so I've been pumping every 2-3 hours. The arrangement my husband and I agreed to was that he & I would both wake up for the first "feeding/pump" session, where he would go feed the baby a bottle and I would focus on pumping.

Inktober Day 6: Golden


Can we say that sometimes I just completely miss it? Like, tone deaf and all that? When I looked for golden mountains, a lot of pictures were of some mountain in the golden hour. They were beautiful pictures, and not what I wanted.

I eventually found the Golden Mountains of Altai, and thought, "Great!" The photo by Ibrohimov Barzu Mahmadiyor o'g'li shows the mountain from the Mongolia side. Turns out, the Altai are in Russia. Meh.

I lost the edges of one of the ridges when painting this, and wanted to redo this painting. Then I remembered: this challenge is about showing up, not about perfection, or even completion. So, this is day six.

Inktober Day 5: Map


Be 100% unsurprised that my map was of the journey from Branscom Glacier to Mount Vinson. I spent some time looking at how far I made it up the mountain before AMS sent me back down, and it was farther than I realized.

I posted this one with the comment, "#inktober day 5: map. Base Camp to Mt Vinson peak: some maps make sense only to those on the journey."

One place where I posted this had exactly zero response on it. It is abstract enough to be weird, so I get it. Priyanka commented on it on Instagram, though, and I have huge hearts for that. She understood, she was on the journey.

I messed up the lighting on this one, too.
