

Dang! The cicadas are LOUD! And there are a LOT of them.

Those are Andy's fingers.

Little water today


Wow, that didn't take long until I was annoyed with someone. I shouldn't be surprised, I guess, given how much on edge I've been as of late. I guess it's better than I get it out of my system early than to let it stew for a while.

After arriving at Pipe Springs, we surrendered all of our snacks (which had me worried about Kris and his need for food, actually), stuff all of our gear into dry bags and surrendered our backpacks, hopped into boats (we were in Tracy's boat, Tracy being the trip leader), and immediately started down the river. We had Horn Creek Rapids first, which I think is one of the big rapids on the river.

We stopped early, around 1 in the afternoon, for a short day. Given that our day started at 4:00 AM, it doesn't really feel like a short day. While Kris and Andy chose to go for a hike with the Upper Canyon group, I chose to stay behind and find a book to read in the "library," which is a large ammo case full of books about the Canyon, mostly about geology and less about rafting. I had chosen to travel with no books, no music and no other solidary endeavours, so as to force myself to socialize with other people and not just go off by myself. I don't know how wise this plan was, as I'm bored instead of social.

I ended up passing out on the campground, anyway. Yeah, sleeping. Now THAT'S a social activity. Everyone seemed to get a good hoot out of my passing out in the middle of the campground, as several people took pictures of my slobbering as slept.

Andy and Kris managed to hike a short ways, then turn back. Andy was good to me, and took pictures of rocks, as I would have done. Andy's taste in rock is different than my taste in rock, I note.

He did, however, take pictures of Kris for me, including his butt:

We found a good place to sleep tonight. We're under a tree, a short way away from the beach.

Kris throws the first


Kris is serious about his commitment to Fill the Hole today, dumping the inaugural bag of dirt at the bottom of the Canyon.

Go, Kris!

Andy and Kris




I think I'm trying to fly. Not sure.
