The bro'


Meet my brother!

World, this is my brother Chris. Chris, don't worry, they won't bite.



Cylon tomb digging


I had a dream last night. Well, actually, this morning. A group of us were gathering in some dusty warehouse/workshop sort of thing to talk about building particularly cool technology, of which I only vaguely recall. Something about advanced materials, energy efficiency, blah blah blah. The usual ideas that gets today's young engineers excited about changing the world.

The building attached to some fairly old house in some relatively remote part of town (think "redwood forests," while simultaneously thinking "haunted," "summer camp," and "Victorian mystery"), but close enough to other houses that some kids (at the part of my dream that caused me to wake myself up violently) were able to visit the place for trick-or-treating. Mostly the tricking.

There were seven or eight of us gathering in the large workspace. The building was three stories tall, but open inside so that there were three floors of ceiling space. And the equipment! Oh, so much equipment! Lifts and tools and covered projects (cars being restored? tractors being fixed?) and hooks and chains and dust and wood floors and shelves and racks and, oh, it was great.

I showed up with my buddy, a skinny guy whom I actually don't know or recall in real life. We were talking about something when I had a knock-knock joke from "Chris Dinkin." I, of course, recognized Sam immediately, and was THRILLED (as I would be in real life) to see him. We spent the next half hour or so during the start of the gathering, talking, snuggling and nuzzling to the side.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't the woman in this dream. Sure, I was looking through her eyes, but, either this was from a life B.K.. Though, dreams are a way to have experiences one can't or won't have normally, so who knows.

The other person I recognized in the dream was Fritz, a student at Tech when I was there. He graduated with his Bachelors my junior year, I think, after 10 years of undergraduate work. At the time, I remember wondering why did it take him so long, why didn't he just go some place else. Now, I understand the accomplishment that goal brought him, and I'm very glad he kept trying, that the dean of the school gave him another chance to reach that success. Sure, he may not become a great scientist, but he'll appreciate that degree in ways others just can't.

So, Fritz was there, and made some remark about the original idea for a project was dumb, why not work on this other idea, which is clearly more brilliant? It was a good idea, so he and his work partner went off to get some parts for the new idea.

While all of this was happening, I realized, this in my dream, that I was starting to have migraine auras in my vision. I made some comment to Sam, and told him I was going to head off with my friend. We went outside to the back porch and were talking about the enclosed tomb under the porch, where some people were buried years and years and years ago. I grabbed a pick ax, and started chipping away at the cement/plaster coating on the side of the porch, to see under the porch, into the tomb.

There is a point to this dream, more than rambling details. Really.

As I was working away, three kids came up to us, trick-or-treating. They were too old to be trick-or-treating, and were actually out to harass smaller kids and adults alike. They started verbally harassing us, so my friend and I went off to get some baby eyes for their treat bag.

Baby eyes?

Yeah, apparently they were eyes on hooks. Literally. Eyes. On hooks.

It made sense in my dream.

When I returned, my friend wasn't on the porch. The three kids had Cheshire cat expressions, so I asked where my friend was. Innocent whistles this, looking away that, and I knew something was up.

It was then that I heard my friend thumping from INSIDE the tomb, yelling to get out. I looked up at the three hoodlums, and turned to run back into house, my phone out to dial 911, the three of them yelling after me as they began to give chase. I had the presence of mind to throw open the front door, as if to run out, then sneak off to a room to the side of the door (one with a window that I could use as an exit, if I needed that, too).

As I was dialing the emergency number, hidden in the dark room, the lights in my eyes taking on a cylon pulsing (though burnt orange instead of bright red), I heard the hoodlums run by. When two ran out the front door, and one ran into the room I was in, I realized I was dreaming, and wrenched myself awake.

To discover, the auras weren't just in my dream.

They were in my eyes.


I think this is number 16 or so for the year. This is supposed to be the best year ever. I didn't mean "the best year for migraines" when I made that statement.

Yay, Mom!


My people


Kris and I flew out to Arizona tonight to spend the weekend with my brother. He doesn't know it yet (and I won't be posting this blog until after this), but he's going to have a surprise party tomorrow, with his entire family singing happy birthday to him. Screaming the happy birthday song to him, if I have any say (scream?) in the matter.

Recently, Jessica asked me to check her in for her flight, as she wasn't going to be around a computer 24 hours before she was to fly out, and would miss the opportunity to be in the front of the first boarding group with Southwest. Since I would be in front of the computer (hell, when was I ever NOT in front of a computer, or with handy bluetooth wireless modem access to the Intarweb™, I mean, come on!), I checked her in to her flight, and she managed to be A24. Given that A1 - A20 is reserved for people who pay extra to board first, I did pretty well with that obsessive clicking to get her in at the beginning.

That check-in for her gave me the practice I needed to check myself in for tonight's flights. I had my browser poised and ready for a quick check-in, testing the server times with a few early attempts to make sure I was in the front of the virtual check-in line.

I improved my lot, and I was A23! Whoo!

My second check-in, which was for Kris, wasn't as good, and he boarded at A34. He had the opportunity to board with me, but chose to wait at A34 instead.

As I walked up to the designated section in line, I noticed that most of the people in line wouldn't meet my eye. They looked away as I attempted to talk to them. After a moment, I noticed they were all also covering up the numbers on their boarding passes. What the hell? was about all I could wonder, until I realized that they were standing so that I wouldn't be able to find my place in line and actually BE IN FRONT OF THESE PEOPLE.

Being A23 meant I should be the third in line, behind A21 and A22, the two of them were in a gap after the first seven people who did pay extra to board first. Instead, I was about 7th back, because no one was willing to share his number AND all of them were standing in the A21-A25 section, instead of the A26-A30 section where some of them should have been.

I looked at my fellow passengers and realized, too, that these paunchy, aging, balding, type-A personality, fat men were the same people who hovered over their keyboards exactly 23.6 hours before, AS I HAD DONE, hitting submit-submit-submit-reload-submit, to ensure each of them, too, received a good boarding number.

I can't believe I'm associated with these people.

I'm so embarrassed.

Stranger's feet


So, Kris and I are sitting on the plane, pretty much minding out own business during the flight. I have my 6" stack of magazines (and two books!), so, despite having problems reading because of the last few days, I'm all set.

Sometime about halfway through the flight, I realize that my elbow is being caressed. Now, normally, this wouldn't be a bad thing, except, as dawning realization hits me, my right elbow is being caressed.

And Kris is on my left.

Startled, I jerk my elbow forward and look down.

To my surprise, I see the foot of the person sitting behind him, propped up on the armrest of my chair. The guy behind me is caressing me with his foot.

Except that it isn't just any shoe, this guy had on. No, he has on open toed sandals.

Except that it isn't just any toe sticking out of said open toed sandals. It is a toe with a cracked toenail.

Except that it issn't just an open toed shoe with a cracked toenail poking out of it. It is a green, fungal, cracked toenail poking out of an open toed sandal that had just spent at least the last five minutes, before I realized what was happening, caressing my elbow.

I am not amused.

To say I am purple with rage would be an insult to the color purple.

If I had wanted a green fungal toenail from a stranger caressing my elbow, I assure you, I would have paid extra for my ticket.
