getting out of work

New way to eat


So, as a kid, you know when your parents told you to do something that you didn't want to do? You really, really, really didn't want to do it?

At some point during your attempts to negotiate not doing that which you really really really didn't want to do, you somehow realized that, if you did it, and did it poorly, your parents (most likely your mother) would probably never ask you to do it again.

The trick was to do it so poorly that there would be no hope ever of your learning how to do that which you really, really, really didn't want to do.

Unless you had parents who took such a poor performance as a educational challenge, you were set, once you did it poorly the first time.

That's what I was thinking about when I fed the dogs today.

I was hoping that, by feeding the dogs the "wrong" way, Kris would decide that he, and only he, would be allowed to feed the dogs.

I didn't succeed, but I did have two very happy doggies: