
Remove deleted files from a git repository


When updating a drupal site with drush pm-update, files can be removed. In order to remove them from the git repository, they need to be deleted with git rm. Doing them individually is painful, so do it on the command line with little effort.

Yes, those are backticks.

$ git rm `git st  | grep deleted | cut -f2 -d:`

List git remotes


When talking remote repositories, origin is the most well known. We can have other remote repositories. Adding and listing them below.

$ git remote add remotename https://git.repository/path/to/my-repo.git
$ git remote -v
remote1 (fetch)
remote1 (push)
remotename https://git.repository/path/to/my-repo.git (fetch)
remotename https://git.repository/path/to/my-repo.git (push)

git merge resolve conflicts by always choosing merged branch


There are times when a branch has diverged so far from master or itself that doing a fetch-merge is just impossible without conflicts. Those with changing binary files or gigantic files? The worst.

$ git reset --hard HEAD
HEAD is now at 82a18be this is my last change, no really
$ git pull origin my_branch
 * branch             my_branch -> FETCH_HEAD
Auto-merging some-project/project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in some-project/project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Auto-merging some-project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Solution, just take what the branch has, don't try to merge in changes, in case of conflict.

git merge -s recursive -X theirs branch-name

Applying branch changes to a new branch in git


I am unsure how other people do this, but this is how I apply changes from one branch to a new branch when the original branch can't be rebased to master (say, when the original branch is thousands, or really, maybe just hundreds or tens of conflicting, commits behind master).

$ git co branch-no-longer-loved

If differences with master aren't causing rebase issues, can do this:

$ git rebase master
$ git diff master > ~/some-differences.diff

More likely, I'm doing this because I can't rebase to master. So, taking my changes back to where I diverged from master, say 3 checkins:

$ git diff HEAD~3 > ~/some-differences.diff

Git checkout local repo from N days ago

git checkout @{two.days.ago}

If only there were a way to checkout files from the fuyoocha.

git checkout @{two.days.fromnow}

or maybe

git checkout @{two.days.aftercompleting}

Remove untracked files in git repo


Sometimes, you just want to clean up a git repo, getting rid of the untracked files. "git reset" will reset the repo, but not the untracked files. Use "git clean"

# remove untracked files and directories
$ git clean -f -d 
# do a test run first
$ git clean --dry-run -f -d
# clean ignored files (emacs turds!)
$ git clean -f -X 

Archive and delete a git branch


Head to the top of the git repository.

$ cd path/to/repo/top

Check out the branch you want, pull, update, whatever to put it into the state you want to archive.

$ git co branch-to-archive
$ git up
$ git pull
$ git whatever

Run this to archive the branch

$ git archive branch-to-archive | gzip > ../some/archive/path/repo-name-branch-name.YYMMDD.tar.gz 

Check the repo is what you want:

$ tar tvfz ../some/archive/path/repo-name-branch-name.YYMMDD.tar.gz | less

Delete the branch remotely and locally:

$ git push origin :branch-to-archive
$ git branch -D branch-to-archive

And, of course, I have this in a script.

Search for a string in all git branches


Yay, git grep!

git grep "string/regexp" $(git rev-list --all)

I love that it works with regular expressions, too.

Ignore .git directories in Apache DOCROOT


Put this in a VirtualHost config block to make sure git files aren't served by the Apache process:

<Directorymatch "^/.*/\.git/">
Deny from all

Won't work in an .htaccess file.
