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Scrabble letter points


PHP array of my scrabble to letter points.

$config['letterpoints'] =
    array('A' => 1,
          'B' => 4,
          'C' => 4,
          'D' => 2,
          'E' => 1,
          'F' => 3,
          'G' => 2,
          'H' => 3,
          'I' => 1,
          'J' => 10,
          'K' => 4,
          'L' => 2,
          'M' => 4,
          'N' => 2,
          'O' => 1,
          'P' => 2,
          'Q' => 10,
          'R' => 2,
          'S' => 1,
          'T' => 1,
          'U' => 2,
          'V' => 5,
          'W' => 4,
          'X' => 8,
          'Y' => 4,
          'Z' => 10,
          ' ' => 0);

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