To make the most of your B2B Web site, nielsen recommends that you "Help your fans help you" win their business. Provide the resources prospective clients' need to sell your products and services internally. Offer these aids:
- Downloadable product photos, preferably ones that show the product being used.
- White papers that demonstrate ROI. Make these short, and don't use PDF; standard Web pages make it easier for advocates to cut and paste text and images into their memos and presentations.
- Links to external press coverage that demonstrates that independent sources have covered you positively.
- Downloadable tables showing your product's main specifications, benefits and price, along with competitive comparisons.
- Downloadable slide shows, preferably in PowerPoint format.
- Ongoing updates through an e-mail newsletter, which can offer advocates hints about tidbits to feed their bosses.
Source: Norman Nielsen Group Inc.