Bedroom tasks
Move furniture out of bedroom
--> move furniture into office
Remove curtain rod
Remove wall mounted light fixture
Remove wallpaper
--> south wall paper
--> top of wall border
--> tools needed: bucket, sponge, scraper
Remove switch/outlet plates
--> tools needed: screw drivers
Fill holes in walls
--> tools needed: spackle, scraper
Paint ceiling
--> carpeting is the drop cloth, don't worry about spilling onto it
--> tools needed: paint brush, paint roller, roller handle, ceiling paint, paint tray, paint tray liner
Paint walls
--> carpeting is the drop cloth, don't worry about spilling onto it
--> tools needed: paint brush, paint roller, roller handle, wall paint, paint tray, paint tray liner
Remove carpeting (after painting is done)
--> carpeting should be trimmed and put into one of the green trashcans
Paint trim
--> tools needed: paint brush, small paint roller, roller handle, trim paint, small paint tray
Mount curtain brackets/rod
--> tools needed: curtain rod, brackets, screw driver, drill + bits
Hang curtains
--> curtains in garage, missing one ring.