The Easy Way to Swallow a Pill
Written with a loving hand by kitt some time around 14:41 on 28 December 2004
Like a lot of people, I take vitamins close to every day. I don't quite manage every day, because I prefer to take them in the morning and either forget, or don't get up until after noon (especially during holidays!).
Here's a trick I've recently discovered to swallowing pills easily (even those gi-normous horse pills called organic vegan multivitamins):
Look down when swallowing the pill.
Everyone always looks up to swallow a pill (presumably to send the pill to the back of the throat where it's less likely to be coughed up and more likely to be gagged up). Try looking down. Or, drink water from a cupped hand under the faucet (but make sure you have to look down to drink).
Vitamin swallowing has never been easier since I discovered this trick.