Playing in traffic
Posted by kitt at 23:08 on 9 April 2005
Mike and I spent most of the day moving concrete and asphalt to the dump today. This weekend is the second of two weekends of Sunnyvale's free dump days, where residents can take pretty much any non-hazardous item to the dump for free, and get rid of it. Tragically, it seems that few people in Sunnyvale have heard of Freecycle, so there's a lot of still useful refuse that gets dumped. If the dump didn't have a "No Salvaging" sign, I'm sure I would have loaded up the truck back up and carted as much out as we took in.
The great part of the day is that we managed to finally clear out the concrete from the front driveway. Well, Mike managed it.
On the way back from the dump, one of the containers from the back of the truck flew out and landed between lanes 1 and 2 of westbound 237. Fffffft! out it flew when the truck made 65 mph. Mike made a funny face, said, "Uh oh," and pulled over. We pondered our options for a minute (leave it and drive away, leave it and call highway patrol, back up and get it), when we noticed the traffic pattern opened up for about 15 seconds, plenty of time to dash out to get the renegade tub.
So, Mike backed up the truck close to the tub and, without letting him know what was up, I dashed out to get the tub when the traffic opened up.
My heart was racing, and the adrenaline pumping. Dash in, zoom out and ta-da! we have a tub.
Not something I want to repeat: dashing out of traffic as cars come racing towards me at 70+ mph.