Not yet, Poppa, not yet
Posted by kitt at 19:31 on 1 June 2005
When Kris and I watch CSI: Miami, we always talk in repeating sentences, typically mocking the Horatio Caine character who repeats himself every other sentence. Every. Other. Sentence.
It's quite funny to add emphasis by repeating sentences. By. Repeating. Sentences. Especially when the other person giggles.
Today, when driving home from picking up Liza with Mike, Liza was telling us what town she lives in. She was quite talky, which contributed greatly to her cuteness of the evening.
At one point, Liza announced we were heading into town. Mike told her we were already in town.
At which point Liza channelled Horatio in a very adult voice, "Not yet, Poppa. Not yet."