Writer's block

I'm not sure which is worse, having too much to write about, or having not enough to write about.

Mike and I have been busy with a lot of projects in the last few weeks. Enough that I can probably say I've had just a little too much to do. Doyle has been great in picking up some of the work, but I still had a lot of work to do. Mike commented, however, that I appeared to be swapping, and not as efficient/productive in my work as I had been previously, and, well, we needed me to be as productive as I had been.

Especially since my plan was to head off to Florida in two days for a week. Turns out, since I'm (supposed to be) playing in the tournament, I didn't have to arrive early to help out organizing the tournament. A mixed blessing, in as much as I feel a bit out of touch about not being involved in organizing the tournament, but, hell, I'd be playing!

Since I didn't have to worry about helping out, my plan was to find a wi-fi spot and work Tuesday and Wednesday, then play on Thursday and Friday and Saturday and, fortunes willing, Sunday.

Best laid plans?


Hurricane Wilma happened. Is happening. The airlines aren't officially cancelling the flights, and won't do so until Monday morning. So, we have to get up at 4:00 and get to the airport by 5:15 am, to wait around until 6:15 am until the flight is cancelled because they can't land in Tampa.

Or worse, fly to Phoenix, sit around picking our noses, then wait until we're told we can't fly to Florida, call up my mom and see if we can stay the night, wait around at the airport, play cards, program, read books, fly home.

We don't even know if the tournament is happening or not. We won't know until mid-Monday afternoon.

Sure, part of me is looking forward to having 8 hours to read, catch up on all. the. magazines. I have that have been building up for the last two months. Maybe even finish the latest Harry Potter and Unfortunate Event.

But the part of me that is terrified of flying (really terrified of flying), really, really, really doesn't want to be flying in unsure weather.

Into a hurricane.

So, I've been spinning my wheels with writing. What do I write about? Do I write about nothing (as this post mostly has been), or do I write about the billion and a half things crowding my head? Might be time to finish up one of the long-ass posts I've been writing.

I guess sometimes I have too much to say.