When do we get lost?« an older post
a newer one »Another Aha! moment

Muni, not so much


Hey, I'm getting better at this train thing. Certainly not as good as the commuters, but certainly better than I used to be even three months ago. Big "Yay!" to Messina, Andy and Cal.

Heading up to the City today to meet up with Mini and her crew to discuss the next steps for her site. The day started off a little rough, though, with Kris waking me up by calling from the shower, "What time is it?"

"8:17. When's the train?"



"Can we leave in three minutes?"

He made the train, but it was closer than I expected, in as much as we did leave in three minutes. We caught each and every red light on the way to the train station. I'm beginning to think those lights sense my driving and are compensating.

The Muni, on the other hand, not so much.