So my dog paws the laptop...
One of the things that I do on a regular basis is say some form of "hello!" to people who follow me on twitter. I think of twitter as a giant party where you're talking with a group of people, but everyone around you can overhear what you're saying. When I notice someone listening in, I prefer to turn to her/him, put my hand out in greeting, and say hello. On twitter, that means when my account is followed by someone, I like to tweet a greeting.
Here is rather one way in the other direction. I write stuff about things that interest me, things that happened in my life, but here is less conversational, and a lot more of a bunch of stuff written down so that I can remember what's been going on in my life, than anything else. And maybe a place to throw up words sometimes.
There is, however, that Contact link over there.
And I have to say, that sometimes wonderful things happen from that link.
Today, I received this email:
So my dog paws the laptop...
and is where my browser took me. Now I'm browsing through your life
like some sort of creeper. I guess it wouldn't be here if you cared about
randoms. You're interesting, not afraid of saying 'fuck', and have a skill
set and world of experiences entirely different from my own. Oh, and I'm of
the male liking women smarter than he is persuasion. Not the silly middle
school like, more the appreciation like. At any rate, I've bookmarked your
site, and will pop in once in a while for no reason but to appreciate. Have a great day!
Seriously now, after that email, I will totally have a great day. It totally brightened everything up!
You know what else brightens me up? The happy face of a dog just so excited to see you! (Even better? Smart dogs that take you to

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