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What is the look that I give people when I'm walking down the street, that causes not one, not two, but at least half a dozen men to stop and aggressively ask me, at a loud volume, "WHAT?"

I'd really like to know. As a thin, and not particularly strong, woman who fears for her safety when walking alone on a street, often at night, I'd really like to know. So that I can stop doing it. Because it's disconcerting. And annoying.

And sometimes downright terrifying, as in last night with the large, tall, homeless dude who stood up and approached me aggressively when I walked past him.

Is it because I look at men in the eyes? Making eye contact is considered an aggressive behaviour in many cultures, including primate culture.

Is it because when I do make eye contact, I don't immediately look away? I suspect that's an even more challenging motion.

Is it because I smile when I greet someone new? Smiling is considered a sexual invitation in some cultures. My smiling at a person I've never met before is never an invitation for sex. Never ever ever ever.

Is it because I consider the people I see on the street human? Even after they've been kicked, beaten, and shat upon by life, they're still human.

Is it because I walk with my hands loose and my weight balanced? If I can run away from a physical threat, you better believe that I'm going to run. If I can't, I'm fighting with all I have.

Is it because I stand with my shoulders back and my head up? Some societies prefer their women demur, not ready to fight, much less fight back. I would do poorly in those societies.

I really don't know what causes these men to think it's okay to yell at me when I walk down the street. I guess if I find out, I might not change my behaviour. I'd still like them to stop.

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