a newer one »To do 2008 04 29

To do 2008 04 28

To Do Today

Order Wheeler compost, left message
Call Garrods, go up in truck, $20, before 11:30 or 1:30 - 2:30, stop by stable doors on way up
C1: First pass forms
Pickup checks from bank
Put away laundry
Pick up mail
Pay business corporation fee
Pay property taxes
Water small front garden
Plant flowers in front front
Plant tomatoes and peppers in garden
Deposit checks picked up from mail
C2: phantom payments email
C2: convert mov to flv
C3: fix directory layouts
Write up trip
C3: deal registration
C2: backups
C2: note re: backups
C2: check with Katie re: billing
Make doctor appt. re: auras
S2000 car appointment follow up $1200 to do it, Doyle declined
MG: fix redirect error on beta site
Cleanout email
Check to Andy Fisher for wine

Bonus list

C2: mail going out on secondary web server
Dogs to vet