SJC Terminal C sucks
Instead of being asleep at 23:47 on 26 July 2005, kitt created this:
My distaste for the San Jose airport is growing by leaps and bounds. In particular, terminal C of the airport, where Frontier Airlines flies out of. And even more particular, it's the security screening people there.
I hereby dub them to be the most idiotic people known to mankind. As if pawing through the top eighth of my luggage and breaking my laptop keyboard by wrenching open the top at jet-takeoff speeds would actually provide any additional security for the flights.
I think what I hate most is the fact that people who are unable to speak English clearly, unable to communicate effectively, have no power over their own lives and display little intelligence are going off on these power trips against nominally productive people.
Look at it this way: assuming 50000 terrorists in the world (that would be 50000 people who would be willing to suicide on a plane, taking all of, oh, let's say 200 people with him), in the world of, let's estimate, 6 billion, 99.99917% of us are NOT terrorists.
And if we do a little bit of racial profiling (yes, yes, a politically incorrect thing to do, but of the 23 terrorists who have succeeded in killing more than just themselves in the U.S. within the last decade plus three months, 20 have been of Middle Eastern descent, 3 were as white as they come, and none were women), I would be one of, let me see, none.
So, does this ineffective patting of my butt, groping of my breasts, and riffle through my luggage by some clod make me feel more secure when I fly? No. It makes me angry that you've singled me out again.
Freaking pick on someone else already.