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Late night = bad movies

So, one of the disadvantages of staying up late and using the television as background noise when working is that you have to find quality, non-distracting shows in the "vast wasteland."

Woe is the second night in a row when looking for said "quality" television and find not one, but two bad movies you worked on in a previous life, showing at 1:15.

In the morning.

While you're wrastling cross browser CSS.

Tonight's bad movie is Turbulence. Also known as my first screen credit.

Or was it my second?


Ah, hell if I remember. It was one of those better off forgotten. It was a bad movie with crappy acting. But very very good special effects. You can trust me on that one.

You think I'm kidding.

Mike says I'm the only person he knows on IMDB. He's wrong, there are a lot of us. We just normally don't announce it.

Last night's movie was Broken Arrow. Oh, joy on that one, too.

Why can't they just show Shrek? At least that one I can cry out, "Layers!"

"Ogres have layers! Onions have layers!"

"Parfait! Everybody loves parfait! Parfaits have layers."