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Importing existing directory structure into new svn repository


For existing files, create and import directory structure into a new svn repository.

# create repository
cd path/to/repo
mkdir svnroot
svnadmin create path/to/repo/svnroot
# change to the webroot directory
# normally includes the webroot / website directory 
# such as cd ~/Sites/8080/website
cd path/to/webroot
# import the files into the repository
# note the last path segment includes the webroot directory name
svn import file:///...path/to/repo/webroot
# move the original directory away and checkout the files 
cd ..
mv webroot webroot-preimport
svn co file:///...path/to/repo/webroot
# and into the webroot for editing
cd webroot
# actual history for cut and paste:
% pwd
% ls -1
% mkdir svnroot
% ls -1
% svnadmin create /home/kitt/sites/8080/svnroot
% cd website
% svn import file:///home/kitt/sites/8080/svnroot/website
% cd ..
% mv website website-preimport
% svn co file:///home/kitt/sites/8080/svnroot/website
A    website/a
A    website/a/index.php
A    website/index.php
A    website/.htaccess
Checked out revision 1.
% ls

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