Another ASA ass kicking.
kitt decided around 00:59 on 12 August 2004 to publish this:
Another lowerbody workout at ASA's MVP class. And yes, another ass kicking.
G has adjusted his workout strategy. Instead of working each of us individually, we did mini circuit training. G would set up three stations (or two if the two stations were particularly difficult) and we'd each cycle through them. It works well enough.
Abbreviated ladders to start. 3 sets of: hamstring curls (lifting) 4 point star lunges walking lunges, carrying 25# weight, twisting outside, inside, both 3 sets of: squat jumps over hurdles 20 skaters (10 each leg) shuffle ball toss (6#)
And then abs, focusing on lower abs.
V ups with weights
Notes: Kris McQueen: We did jump rope Kris McQueen: the single legged toe touches w/ a 10 lb. weight Kitt Hodsden: Yay! Kitt Hodsden: Oh, yeah. Kris McQueen: more ab stuff (single leg V-ups, partner leg throw downs, 6-12" leg lifts Kris McQueen: I forget what else.