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Vanity birthmark


This morning's Velocity was three rounds of:

40m standing long jump
40 side to side bench jumps
20 pushups
20 GHG situps
1 suicide

The standing long jumps were done down and back 20m, with the start of the next jump beginning with the end of the previous jump, no break, using the momentum of the previous jump to set the spring of the next jump.

The side to side bench jumps started by placing both hands on the end of a weight bench, facing down at it, standing on one side. The jumps were done by jumping over the bench, landing on the opposite side of the bench and using the landing to spring back over to the other side.

My biggest problem with the side to side bench jumps was mental. I had to convince myself that I could actually make these jumps, even though I watched Kris clear the bench by a foot or so. My biggest worry was clearing the bench, which caused me to jump farther and farther away from the bench. By jumping farther away from the bench, I had farther to jump to clear the bench, causing me to jump exactly the right distance to not quite clear the bench.

I ended up with a pressure scrape down the side of my leg, and an 8" bruise on the side of my leg. It's not deep, but wide, and looks like a raspberry birthmark along the side of my leg.

I clearly need more vitamin K.

When I showed it to Kris, Breanne saw it and gave me a look like, "How uncoordinated can my clients be?"

We all finished the three rounds in about 30 minutes, giving us a ten minutes to do n burpees on the nth minute, resting for the rest of the minute. When Breanne first described it she said "pushup" instead of "burpee," and we all thought, "How easy!" When she corrected herself to burpee, we all groaned.

1 burpee, rest the remaining time of minute 1.
2 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 2.
3 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 3.
4 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 4.
5 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 5.
6 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 6.
7 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 7.
8 burpees, rest the remaining time of minute 8.

I managed to the the 8 burpees in 30 seconds, though Kris did them in 20 seconds. My hamstrings, however, were shot, so I stopped for round 9, but did do round 10. Another woman at class today, one who grew up in Chesterton (to my delight, all of the women in class today except Breanne were from Indiana, the Chesterton woman having lived the closest to my hometown) also skipped the 9th round, and did the 10th round.

My hamstrings are shot.