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I'm an idiot


I'm an idiot.

I've been fighting Yahoo! for the longest while. Like, for years, trying to get out of their search engine databases.

Well, I posted a comment to Slashdot, and included the contents of my robots.txt file. If you look at my post, you'll see the typo. And now I'm the laughing stock of the Ask Slashdot post.


That typo that's been there for five years. Five freaking years.

I'm an idiot.

Fortunately, I'm not quite the idiot of one of the follow-up comments, who thinks I'm a guy.

Ah well, time to laugh. I've been (mini) slashdotted.


...that we appreciate just exactly how fitting your favicon.ico is, 'cause I'm sure that's the face you were making when you read Dancing Primate's reply. :-)