No kitty sitting


Okay, for the first weekend in three, Doyle and Shirley aren't heading out of town, and I'm not heading up to play with their kitties. I'm somewhat saddened by this, as they are *awesome* kitties and wow, do I love that kitty time. Well, that and their hammock.

I'm sure you're saddened by this, too, so, to cheer you up, Beaker:

OpenPhoto community site work


Last week while I was preparing for my Open Web Camp talk, Jaison of OpenPhoto (all these opens! so exciting!) commented on twitter that he was "Looking for a good / free hosted forum solution with FB/TW login." I offered a Drupal install, but wasn't quite quick enough to prevent a Facebook Group creation. I may have begged him not to go the Facebook route, but really my personal preferences shouldn't be a deciding factor for his project.

Unless I offer to do the hard work.

Which I did.

The talk took a bit out of me last week, so needed some time to recover. I started working on the site yesterday, and let Jaisen have at it today as I tweaked the theme and started the setup of a number the desired features.

I have to said, the Omega theme has become my new favorite Drupal theme to work from. I know that Doyle uses it on his work projects, but didn't realize just how awesome it is. It uses the 960 grid system, helping me become a bigger fan. But really, being able to create child themes with drush? WIN.

So, I installed Drupal, created a child theme, updated it to match the OpenPhoto site look and feel. There are a couple more changes that need to happen, along with a few more updates and some configurations that need tweaking.

I'm excited about the site, and hope that it'll work for Jaisen. It's nice to work on a project that, well, I'm really really excited about.

Dear MIxed Greens makers


Dear salad makers,

Yeah, that frilly stuff you put in the mixed greens? No one likes it.

And that deep purple crap that's bitter as hell?

No one likes that either.

If you stop putting those in your mixed greens mixes, I'll pay double.




Do you think?


Ah! Vo!


A couple years ago, Kris and I planted a couple avocado trees in the yard. Unlike most of the green around this place, I have been unsuccessful in getting them to grow. Blueberries and avocados seem to thwart me. I can grow everything else as if it's from Jupiter, but those two things, I can't do shit with.

That these two trees are still alive is more a testament to their will to live than my ability to keep them alive.

So, with that said, imagine my surprise earlier this year when I found a number of small avocado buds on one of the trees.

Now, imagine my SHOCK when I found two larger avocados on the other tree. This time, they're large enough to have nubby outsides instead of the smooth ones they were when smaller. I find this fascinating.

You can be quite sure I'll be guarding these from the squirrels. Maybe with my BB gun and a flask of whiskey, sitting on my rocking chair on the back porch.

Oh wait, I don't have a back porch.

