Appropriate for a golf course


There's a golf course at the resort we're staying at. The last golf course I've been on, I was sledding down the giant hill at Forest Park in wintertime. Not really a golfy sort of thing to be doing.

Today, however, I decided, yeah, I'll walk out onto the golf course, partly because I don't think I'm supposed to walk out onto the course, and especially not onto the green. Kris asked if anyone was coming, and freaked a little bit when I looked, then said, yes.

Still, sorta fun in an itty-bitty-tiny-little illicit way.


Hold your breath!


Having a graveyard at the end of the driveway of the resort is making for some entertaining arrivings and leavings for us. Kris says you need to hold your breath as you pass a graveyard, or that's the one you'll end up buried in; a rule he's had since he was a kid.

I find it humorous, so I play along. Our walk out today meant we had to run past the cemetary holding our breaths. I have to wonder what the people driving by thought of the two crazy people sprinting past the cemetery...


First step, submit proposal


Following up with

this afternoon, I did this:

I'm excited and nervous about this.

Two observations about Maine


1. They don't stop for pedestrians

Despite the signs that say, "State law, yield to pedestrians," cars don't. Kris was nearly hit by one car while crossing the street. Cars don't slow down when a pedestrian starts crossing the street.

2. They aren't afraid of talking to strangers

Between my conversations on the street and women coming up to me in the grocery store to talk to me, it's easy to realize that people here are just not afraid of starting a conversation with a stranger.

I'm liking the second. The first I can do without.

Welcome to America


"Lots of trucks and four wheel drives and SUVs here."

"Welcome to America."

"Not everyone drives a Prius?"

"Indeed not."
