Sectionals 2007, day 1


We start the journey again. The fall series starts today, beginning with the Ultimate Players Association's Northern California Sectionals. We finished the day at the top of our pool and the winner of our quarter final game.

More importantly, we danced the best.

Guy's last day.


Today is Guy's last day working for me this summer. I'm bummed that he'll be leaving, but really, how much of a future does someone have working as my personal lackey? Answer? Not much, school is a much better choice.

Still, he managed to complete a LOT of the tasks around the house that I've been meaning to do for a long, long time. He painted the bedroom walls in stripes with a lighter blue than the previous much-too-dark blue. He rotated the compost bins bi-weekly. He moved trees from the parkway. He carted compost to the backyard. He watered my plants. He walked the dogs. He dug up weeds. He chipped branches. He trimmed trees. He painted the living room ceiling. He removed the old baseboards from the bedroom. He painted the new baseboards and installed them. He purchased the new baseboards before either of the remaining baseboard tasks. He painted the trim in the hallway. He harvested various vegetables. He installed the backyard irrigation system. He built wire cages for me. He went in search of hog panel for me. He researched other buying options on various items I was looking at.

He even stripped the sixteen layers of wallpaper from the secondary bathroom. I managed to strip one layer about six years ago. Kris has been a bit bitter at me for those entire six years, for starting a job and not finishing it. If I was going to strip wallpaper from the bathroom walls, could I please not do it next to the toilet when I'm taking a crap? I mean, come on.

Guy stopped by for lunch, so he, Doyle and I all went off to for lunch at the Ginger Cafe. Turns out, both Guy and Doyle lurve sesame balls. I don't think Guy took advantage of my buying lunches for him nearly enough. We had maybe 10 lunches together, if that many. Still, this summer, I got my money's worth in summer assistance.

Even if he never took his shirt off, as the Smith brothers did.

Once again


There seems to be some confusion as of late as to the purpose of this site.

Once again, for all the new readers out there (all one of you), this site is for me. As much as I enjoy having friends comment on things I write, ultimately, this isn't for you, this is for me. How many times do I have to say it?

Selfish as this thought may be, it's true. And with this site's main purpose, which is to archive my life for me, censoring how I feel because someone else thinks my words will make EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD treat him like an idiot, is counter-productive.

So, polar bear, go away. Go read incorrectly into something else.

(Hi, Mom!)

My Jewish new year resolution


I have decided for the new year, that I am going to give up complaining. Complaining doesn't help me solve any problems, it doesn't lighten my load, it doesn't reduce my stress levels. Quite the contrary, it brings me down, makes me less productive, and probably annoys the crap out of everyone I spend any amount of time with (and maybe some of those I don't).

So, I'm giving it up. Enough of the complaining.

Doyle laughed at me when I said this at work, so, I'm guessing I have more of a task ahead of me than I thought.

Today's Velocity


After almost sleeping through today's Velocity (Paul really needs to start coming to these things - he'd get a real kick out of having his butt kicked by Bryanne), I hurriedly dressed, ate and dashed out the door with Kris to arrive at class late, but still during the warmup. We had one new new guy today, and two I didn't recognize. New new guy isn't a fast runner, so he's lucky he wasn't in Brynne and Heather's warmup group. Bad enough to have you ass handed to you by the old one, but by two girl's, too?

Maybe the old one (me) was bad enough, but I beat him by only a couple yards. Brynne would have beaten him by 10. Heh.

Today's workout was:

4 minutes of alternating with a partner:
Sled push down 20 yards and back
Step ups.

4 minutes of alternating with a partner:
Sled push down 20 yards and back
Bulgarian split squats (one leg backward, elevated on a block, squat one

2 minutes of alternating with a partner:
Sled pull down 20 yards and back
Squat jumps.

2 minutes of alternating with a partner:
Sled pull down 20 yards and back
Lunge jumps

We weren't told originally the time for each set, so we figured we went until someone puked. The workout was hard enough that some people almost did.

Ar the end of class, I wrote "go until someone pukes" at the bottom of the workout whiteboard. I wrote it in Bryanne's handwriting, and did a completely passable job. When Kris commented it was pretty good, I explained I use to practice other people's handwriting styles in college. Heather turned to me and smiled. "Of course, you did."

