Annual Physical Time

Me having blood drawn

I went to the doctor today for my annual physical. I have to say, our medical system is really not conducive to receiving care quickly.

Today's appointment was for referrals for the doctors I actually want to see. While I am happy that I was able to schedule all the tests that I wanted, and receive all the referrals that I also wanted, I'm less happy that it is colonoscopy time. When asked, "Do I want a referral [for the colonoscopy]?" my answer was "No, I don't want one, but I understand that I need one, so yes, I will take a referral." The provider laughed.

Andy's Trees Doing Well!


I went over to Andy's place today. We continue to talk about things, which is good. Was lovely to hear about his trees, and how they are doing.

Hazelnuts on the tree

At one point, Andy said his hazelnut tree has ten new nuts, could I find them. Finding the ones he did took him a good fifteen minutes. So, I looked up. After a few minutes, Andy let me know that the partner hazelnut tree was likely in that direction, which told me which side of the tree to look on. Eventually, I found a pair of nuts and pointed them out. Andy laughed, and said those were new ones.

Figs on the tree

Andy's fig tree is doing well.

I really dislike figs.

Mountain Hugs

View from the start of the Mission Peak hike

Today's workout was supposed to be a muscle endurance workout. "Supposed to be" is the key phrase here. The workout is nominally carrying ⅓ my body weight (which is 47 pounds, btw) up a steep hill for an hour, then turning around and carrying it back down. Forty seven pounds is a lot a weight for me. I can't lift 47 pounds. I nearly fall over backward when trying to adjust the 47 pound backpack on my back. Lunch time was the only time I had to go on this hike, so I went at noon. My car's thermometer read 38˚C when I exited my car, which would be 100˚F.

I was okay for the first 20 minutes of going up, but not really. Forty seven pounds is a lot of weight for me, did I mention? The next 10 minutes were all grit, but I couldn't go a full hour.

When Moazam Calls...

Daily Photo

When the person who is always willing to help you, calls and asks if you can pick him up from the car repair shop and hang for a bit, the answer is always yes.

Ha Ah Ah Omer

Postmodern Jukebox on stage

My single birthday present this year was a Homer Gift, which makes it that much more entertaining for me. Kris bought me, and hence himself, tickets to see Postmodern Jukebox, who were playing locally.

We had a good time, though the ongoing discomfort and stomach pains I've been having meant I enjoyed the event far less than Kris did. Kris also knows the band, I didn't, but enjoyed their music nonetheless. This was his first concert since the pandemic started, so I was happy he had the experience. We were part of the less than 1% of people who were masked up during the concert, which I was less happy about.

But here we are.

Night cityscape view of Silicon Valley from Mountain Winery
