Bad Blood

Book Notes

Virgil Flowers, Book 4

Okay, I hadn't actually been intending on reading any fiction book this weekend. Or at least, not starting any new books. That didn't go over very well, as I picked up the fourth Virgil Flowers book last night at 10pm and started reading. And kept reading. So much for finishing off books I've already started.

Again, I enjoyed this Flowers book. It was a bit different than the previous ones in that who did what was figured out pretty much in the middle of the book. Such a different take than most mystery books which have the bad guy revealed near the end, with only a small wrap-up after the reveal. No, Sandford has the Flowers books' mysteries figured out in the middle, maybe 2/3 of the way through, and lots of fumbling around, working to prove the case, wrapping up the details, and dealing with the aftermath of the arrest or solution.

It's a different twist on things. No idea how realistic it is in real life. Real life is mostly boring, with interesting things between. Digression, though.

I enjoyed the book, and will keep reading the Flowers books.

Forever remain undone


So, I have this item on my to-do list:

"Conversion of in-progress book should create a 302 redirect from in-progress to book review URL on save."

Basically, after I finish reading a book and write a review, I convert the in-progress node to a book review node and the old in-progress node goes away (which is to say, is unpublished, essentially deleting the in-progress page). Except that just deleting a page "breaks the internet." I really dislike having 404s on my site, and for the longest time, refused to link to other sites for worry of link-rot and missing pages. Wow, have those times changed, we all expect link-rot and things to disappear and poof do they disappear fast. On my own site, however, why oh why would I ever deliberately choose to delete a uniform resource locator referenced resource? Gah, that is awful.

And you know what?

No one but search engines and I actually LOOK at that in-progress page. No one cares that I'm 42% of the way through Practical Empathy, mostly because I restarted the book because it confused me. Hell, I doubt anyone really cares about the book reviews either.

Ah, the glory of writing for oneself and not for others: you can put whatever shit you want on your site and that's OKAY. Oh, it's grand and liberating and you know what?

I am scratching that item off that to-do list. I don't care that that URL disappears and goes 404 even though it should have a 302 redirect on it (okay, yes I do, it pains me to have something broken on the internet, but there are other things I'd rather do than worry about that 302 redirect for URLs that exist for such a short period of time).

"Conversion of in-progress book should create a 302 redirect from in-progress to book review URL on save."

I am now embracing my to-not-do list. This item can forever remain UNDONE. Marking it "Won't fix."

Raising Stony Mayhall

Book Notes

This book took me FOREVER to finish. And by "forever" I mean over six months to actually read. I did not enjoy this book, and had to slog through it to actually finish it. "Why bother finishing it?" you may ask. I certainly asked myself that question a number of times. While I can say I didn't enjoy this book, I didn't hate it either. It sits squarely in the "meh" category of books.

Which is somewhat surprising to me, as I did enjoy We Are All Completely Fine, also by Daryl Gregory. That book I enjoyed enough that I might read Harrison Harrison after I've whittled my current to-read stack down below 20 books. This one, wow, I could not get through. Eventually, I put it on 2x speed on audiobook and just walked on the treadmill until I was done with it.

I liked the idea of the zombies existing rationally after the fever of the turn has happened, a central plot point of this book. I liked the idea of a zombie baby being able to grow into an adult. The length of the story and the just plain naiveté of Stony just grated on my nerves.

And I really did not like the ending.

I don't recommend this book unless you're a Gregory fan and want to read all of the books he's written. In that case, yeah, go ahead. Otherwise, skip this one.

What I do when drunk in Hawaii

Daily Photo

Yep, this is pretty much what I would do when drunk in Hawaii. Which happened, once. After a blue drink. So, I'm allowed.



I can't say I particularly like the sensation of drunk or even tipsy. I especially do not like it when walking back to the condo. With Mom along side me, though, it was amusing. We stopped at a rocky beach and watched the ocean for a bit. I stacked rocks. I have no idea why I stacked rocks, or why I can stack rocks when drunk so much better than I can when sober, but there you go. What I do when drunk in Hawaii.

Dried Fern

Daily Photo
